Aldersgate 2001
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Aldersgate was a lot of fun this year!!!!
I finally have the pictures of Aldersgate on our website!!! The trip was awesome, and i can't wait until we get to go again.

A pic of our group

Niagra Falls
Back: Josh, Amber, Jessica, Meghan, Melissa, Sara, Jamie, Front: Sara, and Rosie (me), pose for a group picture.
Niagra Falls
Our group gets soaked on the walkway of Niagra Falls.
Niagra Falls
Melissa and I pose at Niagra Falls.
Rent Me!!!
Or not!!! You might want to take second thoughts on that one.
Sheraton Four Points Hotel
Rochester, NY has horses. Kind of like Chicago had the cows.
Josh and Brad
Josh and Brad playing their guitar for us in the hotel lobby.
Chae Ahn
Chae Ahn speaks and tells us about the Holy Spirit.
The princess is in her castle while the moose and the, well whatever it was, makes love.
"Buck Buck," need i say more?
No, just innocent Meghan posing with her gun.
More Games
We made a pyramid in our free time.
Group Pic
Black and White group picture.
Inside Joke